"Russ' Barn & Grille"
I am looking for.....
The Barn Bunch Charity Page
Discontinued events page
"Our Heros"
Barn Events
My Photo Albums
The Ten Commandments of Harley Davidson
MRF News
Biker Stuff
Patriot Guard Riders
Military Stuff
POW- MIA Merchandise
Abate of Indiana
American Legion Riders
Indiana AmVets
Brian's work
"Barnbunch" Friendly Businesses
Shirts and Patches and Flags
Guestbook archive
Indiana Senators and Reps
70 West Tattoo
Tomoka Indian Motorcycles
Kevin "teach" Baas
Sammy L Davis, CMH
Weather Sites
Band Links
I am looking for.....
"For Sale" page
Fun Stuff !!
Family Photos
Computer stuff
This page is dedicated to "finding" things for me or you !!!

Jeff H is looking for HD Aermacchi parts. 
 Specifically front forks for a 1972 MC65 Shortster.


Misc HD parts for Kevin "teach" Baas' shop class bike build.
Please see Kevins page for details


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This site is a private site owned and maintained by Russell D Bauer, Jr. and is not connected with Harley Davidson, ABATE of Indiana, American Legion Riders, Patriot Guard Riders or any other motorcycle or veterans club or organization or any  of the events featured on this site.  These pages are for non-profit informational purposes with no intention of infringing upon the copyrights of any of the copyright owners.  Nor does it intend to infer that any of the information is correct or even useful.  The term "Barnbuch" is only intended to cover the friendly folk who hang out at Russ' Barn & Grille (a totally non profit barn) and is not intended to infer membership or ownership or any other silly reason other than voluntary friendship and brotherhood and freedom.  If you do not like veterans or bikers or care for any of the above, then kiss my @ss & leave my site.