The Ten Commandments of Harley Davidson 1. The
one true american-made motorcycle is the Harley-davidson, and thou shalt put no other motorcycles before it. 2. Thou shalt
not bow down and worship nor serve the god of chrome; for, lo, he is a false god and will not get thy butt home. 3. Honor
thy authorized dealer and thy hog chapter officers, that thy days may be long and fruitful in the land of Harley. 4. Remember
the weekend, and keep it open. for it is written, five days shalt thou labor, and for two days shalt thou ride thy Harley,
drink beer, and f**k off. 5. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's Harley, nor her manservant, nor her maidservant, nor her
ox, nor her cute little ass. 6. From the throne of thine Harley, thou shalt not stoop to wave at sinners who ride jap-crap,
for jap-crap is known to be the handiwork of the devil. 7. Thou shalt not pass by nor turn away from thy brother Harley
rider who is in mechanical distress. 8. Thou shalt not pose. verily, I say unto you, it is easier for a poser to pass
his gold visa card through the eye of a needle than to enter into the true fellowship of Harley-Davidson heaven. 9. When
riding thy Harley on the road of life, thou shalt not whine nor snivel, and thou shalt not suffer to ride alongside those
who do. 10. Park not thy Harley in the darkness of thine garage, that it may collect dust for want of being oft ridden,
ride thy Harley with thy brethren, and rejoice in the spirit of the road.
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This site is a private site owned and maintained by Russell D Bauer, Jr. and is not connected with Harley Davidson, ABATE of Indiana, American Legion Riders, Patriot Guard
Riders or any other motorcycle or veterans club or organization or any of the events featured on this site.
These pages are for non-profit informational purposes with no intention
of infringing upon the copyrights of any of the copyright owners. Nor does it intend to infer that any of the information
is correct or even useful. The term "Barnbuch" is only intended to cover the friendly folk who hang out at Russ' Barn
& Grille (a totally non profit barn) and is not intended to infer membership or ownership or any other silly reason other
than voluntary friendship and brotherhood and freedom. If you do not like veterans or bikers or care for any of the
above, then kiss my @ss & leave my site.