Sorry folks.... Webshots decided to sell out to some big company
and us little guys get screwed. They deleted all of my albums. I wouldnt use the new Smile bullshit if they paid me.
'11 MidWinter Blues Bash, Feb.
'10 Cat's Christmas, Dec.
'10 IPG LCPL Crouse Ft Wayne, Video. Dec.
'10 IPG LCPL Crouse, Ft Wayne. Dec.
'10 IPG SSGT Pape, Huntington. Nov.
'10 Silver Lake Lions Thanksgiving, Nov.
'10 Fall Meet & Greet and Chili Bash, Oct.
'10 Spc Justin Shoecraft Memorial Video, Oct.
'10 Koz Co ABATE meeting, Oct.
'10 Marshall Co Summer's End, Sep.
'10IPGR Clements, Aug.
'10 Summer Bash & Lee Marks Memorial Ride, Aug
'10 Koz CO Hawg Waller, July
'10 Koz Co ABATE meeting, May.
'10 BDP's Mustang Sally at Beamer's Mar.
'10 BDP at Beamer's Mar.
'10 Koz Co ABATE meeting, Mar.
'10 Leukemia & Lymphoma Benefit, Mar.
'09 Germany, Nov.
'09 "Davefest" IPG Meet & Greet, Oct
'09 Koz Co Pride Ride, Oct
'09 IPGR Adam White Homecoming, Oct.
'09 Koz Co ABATE Workers Appreciation Party, Oct.
'09 BDP @ Beamer's & Joey's Bday, Oct
'09 Lee Marks Memorial Ride, Aug.
'09 Summer Bash, Aug.
'09 Tom & Mel video, Jul.
'09 Tom & Mel, Jul.
'09 So Mich Patriot Guard Ride to see Josh & Dirtbike, Jul.
'09 SSGT Travis Hunsberger Memorial, Jul.
'09 Brother Fred Wheeler's Last Ride, Jul
'09 ABATE Koz Co Hawg Waller, Jul.
'09 Black River Fest Hog Roast, June.
'09 Silver Inn Ride, May. Video
'09 Silver Inn Ride, May.
'09 Pierceton Memorial Day Parade, May.
'09 Mr & Mrs Clayton Ellet, May.
'09 IPG State Rally, May. ME
'09 IPG State Rally, May. JH
'09 IPG State Rally, May. RB
'09 IPG State Rally, May. JH
'09 Koz Co ABATE Meeting, May.
'09 CMA/ABATE Reg 1 Blessing, Apr.
'09 ABATE Reg 1 Memorial Wall, Apr.
'09 Indiana Patriot Guard Rally Meeting, Apr.
'09 ABATE Koz Co April Meeting.
'09 IPGR 113th Eng Suport Co Sendoff, Mar.
'09 ABATE Koz CO March Meeting.
'09 New House, March
'09 100MPH Club Gene Walker Benefit, Feb.
'09 MidWinter Blues Bash, Mustang Sally w/ BDP, Feb
'09 MidWinter Blues Bash, Feb.
'09 Brian & Becky's Twins, Damien & Dominick, Jan
'08/'09 Russ & Lisa's new house so far!! Nov/Feb
'08 Mustang Sally by BDP at Beamer's. Nov.
'08 Waller Workers Party at The Barn, Nov.
'08 Wabash Co Dam Ride, Oct
'08 Koz Co ABATE Meeting, Oct
'08 Fall Chili & Tat Party at The Barn. Oct.
'08 Mary's Ride, Sep.
'08 Koz Co Sleepy Hollar Ride at The Barn, Sep.
'08 Elkhart Co Summerfest w/ Big Dick, Aug.
'08 Mustang Sally w/ Big Dick !!, Aug
'08 Sleepy Hollar Summer Bash, Aug.
'08 Lee Marks Memorial Ride, Aug.
'08 Sleepy Hollar Summer Bash Prepartys, Aug.
'08 Big John's Last Ride, Aug.
'08 Big John Hager Funeral, Aug.
'08 Koz Co ABATE Meeting, Aug.
'08 IPGR Packing Party, July.
'08 ABATE Boogie, July.
'08 Fribley Young Tigers Ride, July.
'08 ABATE Hawg Waller, July
'08 Chili Spring Fling, June.
'08 Koz Co ABATE Meeting, 100 members! Mar.
'08 Big Dick at Beamers, Mar.
'08 Blues Bash, Feb
'08 PGR 76th Brigade Sendoff, Jan.
'08 New Years at The Barn, Jan.
'07 Abate Koz Co Toys for Tots, Nov.
'07 Mustang Sally video at The Barn w/Big Dick.
'07 Marion VA Parade, Nov.
'07 Ft Wayne Vets Day Parade, Nov.
'07 PGR Capt McGovern, Nov.
'07 Russ & Lisa Europe, Oct.
'07 Koz County Sleepy Hollar Run, Sept.
'07 Wisc Abate Reg 3a Bash, Sept.
'07 Buck Kittredge Memorial Ride, Sept
'07 IPGR Rally (Linda) Aug.
'07 IPGR Rally (Russ) Aug.
'07 N Manchester Fun Fest, Aug
'07 Lee Marks Memorial Ride, Aug
'07 Russ & Lisa, Aug 18
'07 Summer Bash #4, Aug
'07 Summer Bash #2, Aug
'07 Summer Bash #1, Aug
'07 Abate of Indiana "The Boogie". July
'07 Abate Region 1, Koz County Waller,June
'07 Abate Region 1 Chidren's Wish Fundraiser
'07 PGR Indy 500 Parade, May
'07 Barnbunch Spring Fling, May.
'07 My Newest Harley... May
'07 The Dragster !! April
'07 East end with Bob II, Apr.
'07 St Louis Bob & Big Dick & The Penetrators at Beamers, Apr.
'07 PGR SSgt King, Apr.
'07 PGR 1st Lt Shank, Apr.
'07 Lisa's new Patriot Edition Road King, Apr.
'07 PGR Company B Homecoming, March
'07 Big Dick & The Penetrators at Chaps. Feb.
'07 Midwinter Blues Bash by Jay, Feb.
'07 Midwinter Blues Bash, Feb
'07 Lisa's fire.
'07 East End with Bob, Jan.
'07 Abate Miami Co Newlywed Game. Jan.
'07 PGR Jerry Croell. Jan.
'07 New Years at The Barn ! Jan.
'06 PGR Sgt Norton Welcome Home, Nov.
'06 Abate Kos Co Toys For Tots, Nov.
'06 PGR Flag Gathering, Nov.
'06 100MPH Halloween Party. Oct
'06 ALR Rex Menzie Ride, Oct
'06 Abate Sleepy Hollar Ride, Oct
'06 Abate Marshall Co Summer's End, Sept
'06 Indiana State PGR Rally, Sept
'06 Wisconsin Abate Party at Big John's Little River Inn, Sept
'06 Lee Marks Memorial Ride to The Wall & Sleepy Hollar Summer Bash, Aug
'06 Abate of Indiana State Party, "The Boogie!" July
'06 Wabash Co Abate Early Bird Ride, April
'06 Midwinter Blues Bash, Feb
'05 Abate Waller Workers Party at The Barn, Sep
'05 Lee Marks Memorial Ride to The Wall & Sleepy Hollar Summer Bash, Aug
'05 Midwinter Blues Bash, Feb
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This site is a private site owned and maintained by Russell D Bauer, Jr. and is not connected with Harley Davidson, ABATE of Indiana, American Legion Riders, Patriot Guard
Riders or any other motorcycle or veterans club or organization or any of the events featured on this site.
These pages are for non-profit informational purposes with no intention
of infringing upon the copyrights of any of the copyright owners. Nor does it intend to infer that any of the information
is correct or even useful. The term "Barnbuch" is only intended to cover the friendly folk who hang out at Russ' Barn
& Grille (a totally non profit barn) and is not intended to infer membership or ownership or any other silly reason other
than voluntary friendship and brotherhood and freedom. If you do not like veterans or bikers or care for any of the
above, then kiss my @ss & leave my site.